Headquarter: Italy. Subsidiary company in Italy owned at 50%, subsidiary in Ecuador and Chile. Partnership with an Indian company. Partnership with a Russian Company. Considering a Joint Venture in the Middle East.


    Shareholders: One shareholder with 55% and a minority shareholder with 45%


    Company Description: The Company works as an EPC contractor (engineering,procurement and construction) in the field of development and implementation of anti-fire and anti-explosion systems. The company provides the best technology available in the international market and customizes it according to the client will: for this reason the company is recognized as an authority in the prevention and security market (both domestic and international).


    The company is provided of the following certifications:
    •Competent people ATEX for the Italian Food Industry Association
    •Qualified FITA advisor
    •Qualified CEPAS advisor (IPC members)
    •Auditors OSHAS18001
    •CFPA certified engineers
    •ADR consultants
    •SEVESO consultants
    •Auditors for thermography surveys and static hazard


    Industry sector and main products:
    The products of the company are used by: oil&gas companies, chemical plants, oil platform, food industry, pharmaceutical companies, mineral plants, tunnels, hotel, hospitals, etc…


    Key Clients:
    As today there are more then 430 active clients among the biggest Italian and international companies, such as Barilla, Coca cola, Ferrero, ENI, L’Oreal, Shell, Siemens and Ferrari.


    Technical Strengths:
    International recognized company with experience and network all over the world. Sector is in expansion as its complementary to every industrial reality in the developing countries.


    Type of agreement interested in and reason:
    The company is considering a future expansion in other markets and is considering several options such as selling shares or creating a joint venture. Totally healthy company.

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Contact:Nicholas Zhou

Tel:86 591 87678231


Address:Room 603, Building A, Tianyuangang Center, C2, East 3rd Ring North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,100020,CHINA

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